Startex Hometown Heroes Banners

Announcing Startex Hometown Heroes Banners


We are taking pre-orders for Custom Banners to Honor our local Startex area
Hometown Military Heroes.
These banners will be displayed on power poles along Main Street in Startex.
These are double-sided banners customized with a photo of your Startex area Hometown Hero family member.
The banner measures 6ft high
by 30 inches wide.
Costs: One Custom double-sided banner with a photo of your Military family member or friend, mounting brackets, hardware and installation is only
$ 200.00 per banner.
We will need a clear, scanned photo
in military uniform and
the branch of service served.
Banners will be up at least a year
or maybe longer.
We have 14 slots left.
What a great way to show our Pride and Support to Honor our local Startex
area Hometown Heroes.
Let us know if you would be interested in a Custom Startex Hometown Hero Banner to Honor one of your family members
that bravely Served our Country.

“All Gave Some, Some Gave All”
5 Ways
To pre-order your
Custom Startex
Hometown Hero Banner
1) Message us on Facebook at Startex – Tucapau Mill

2) Email us at

3) Call us at Donald 205-807-3548

4) Mail us at P.O. Box 280 Startex, S.C. 29377

5) Message us from our website at

If you are interested, please let us know.

Deadline is March 15th.

Have questions, concerns or comments?
Feel free to contact us, we would love to hear from you.